Well another great reunion is now in the history books. Thanks to Bob & Jean Franklin and Tom & Wanda Weaver for planning it. I don’t know how they planned for the reunion to miss the government shutdown and the 4 foot of snow that came after we left, but great job. What a great area of the country to sight see. Visiting Mount Rushmore has always been one of my bucket list items. As always the tours were great, although once I would like to leave a casino with more money than I went in with. It is an area of the country that has a lot of different landscapes to see. From Spearfish Canyon to the Black Hills what beautiful scenery. Some of us were able to make some side trips to Wall Drug, Devil’s Tower, Sturgis, and the Badlands among other places. I know I am glad they invented digital cameras, because I couldn’t afford to develop all the pictures Pat and I took. The banquet and auction was a great time as usual. I think everyone had a great time reuniting with old friends and shipmates and meeting a few new ones.
Mark your calendars. Next year’s reunion will be September 14-18, 2014 in Charleston, South Carolina. Pat & Connie Taylor have a great itinerary for us. Also it was voted to hold the 2015 reunion in Reno, Nevada with Chip & Sue Chapin as planners, so start planning for that also. Hopefully you will be able to join us for one of the reunions.
Keep checking the website for updates.
Bill Biller, Treasurer
HT2 77-80
Tentative Itinerary
Subject to change. Changes will be posted in the hospitality room.
Sunday, September 22, 2013 – Registration in Hospitality room
Monday, September 23, 2013 – Black Hills tour, Breakfast, supper and evening show included. Board bus at 0700. Travel to Fort Hays (about 20 minutes) for breakfast. Re-board bus for tour of Mt. Rushmore, Black Hills and Custer State Park where we will eat lunch (on our own) at Custer lodge. Continue touring after lunch with a stop at Crazy Horse Memorial. Return to Fort Hays for supper and show. The bus makes several stops along the way for pictures, shopping, and restroom breaks. Return to hotel.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 – Free Day The hotel can provide a shuttle to city tour, shops, museums, black hills gold shops and shopping mall. Also transportation can be arranged to Wall Drugs.
Wednesday 25, 2013 – Memorial Service Board bus at 0815. Memorial Service at Black Hill VA Cemetery, site seeing through Spearfish Canyon, then spend the afternoon in Deadwood. Lunch will be on our own.
Thursday 26, 2013 – Business Meeting 0900 Business meeting for shipmates and guests. Afternoon free. 1800 Banquet and auction.