From the Association President:
The second reunion for the USS Goldsborough DDG-20 in Biloxi, MS was excellent as attested by the comments of all shipmates and families who attended.
The first days check-in brought in twenty-one shipmates and thirteen Ladies who picked up name tags, polo shirts and hats. Also shown was the hospitality room where all bull sessions, meetings, and banquet were going to be held during the Reunion.
Day two brought two tours and a box lunch. The first tour was a Bayou and Swamp ride. After the box lunch, there was a Biloxi Now and Then tour. Twenty Shipmates and twelve Ladies attended. Comments from all was everyone had lots of fun and the tours were very historically oriented.
Third day, a tour to New Orleans in the morning, the afternoon was a shopping trip to the French Quarter’s for some and a tour of the D day Museum for others. Again much history was acquired and everyone had a great time.
Fourth day was a free day, with everyone going their separate ways. Eight shipmates chose to go on a Charter Gulf Fishing trip, lots of fish were caught and lots of fun was had by all. No one got sea sick but got wet.
The fifth day found us enjoying a luncheon cruise on the Starship. The food was delicious but the scenery was of the coast which everyone had been seeing the past four days. We had twenty-four Shipmates and fourteen Ladies enjoy the cruise.
In the evening, we had our Banquet with Raffle and Auction, (everyone brought an item from their home state). The food served by the Hotel staff was excellent and all comments received were outstanding. The raffle was for a free five day Comp room which was won by a shipmate, he donated more than half the money back to the Assn. Everyone had a great time at the auction. The Auctioneer was funny and good. The Assn. came away with a very appreciative donation. Twenty-eight Shipmates and fourteen Ladies and two guests attended the Banquet, raffle, and auction.
I can’t begin to give the Biloxi Beach Resort too much praise. They were outstanding in service, free hospitality room, cost of the room and free breakfast. Also the hospitality room was supplied refreshments by the Goldsborough attendants.
President, USS GOLDSBOROUGH DDG-20 Assoc,
Thomas L. Weaver