USS Goldsborough (DDG-20) Association By-Laws
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to promote camaraderie amongst those who served in USS Goldsborough (DDG-20). The Association is to establish an ongoing program that will make all reasonable efforts to locate personnel eligible for membership, inform them of the Association and schedule activities such as (but not limited to) reunions.
2. Membership:
Any former crewmember of any ship bearing the name USS Goldsborough is eligible for membership. Widows of former crewmembers may/shall be offered Honorary Lifetime Membership in the Association. However, they shall not have voting privileges.
3. Nomination of Officers:
Any member with voting privileges is eligible for any office in the Association. Election of officers will only be accepted from the floor.
4. Officers:
Officers shall be elected at reunions to serve a term of two (2) years with an option of a third (3) year by acclamation. Officers to be elected shall follow Roberts Rules of Order and election shall be by simple majority of those members present and voting.
5. Officers’ Duties:
The President shall act as the Chief Operating Officer of the Association. The Vice-President in the absence of the President shall act in his place. The Vice-President shall advise the President on matters of interest to the Association and be responsible for the Association fund-raising. The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain financial transaction records of the Association and make quarterly reports to the President and Vice-President, as well as an annual report to the membership. The Secretary/Treasurer will also keep minutes of membership meetings, maintain a membership list and write correspondence as the need dictates.
6. Finances:
All elected officers and/or appointed committee chairpersons or members shall serve without compensation. All reimbursements for expenses incurred must received prior written approval of the President and one other elected Officer of the Association. All checks drawn on the Association’s account(s) shall be signed by the Secretary/Treasurer with verbal or written concurrence of the President or Vice-President. Dues for membership in the Association shall be set at reunion meetings. For the purpose of formation of the Association, the annual dues shall be twenty dollars per annum ($20.00). Dues will be paid annually prior to 1 October. Members with dues owing will have their voting rights held in abeyance until said dues are made current.
7. Committees:
Committees and Committee Chairs shall serve at the Pleasure of the President. Such committees shall be (but not limited to) Membership (Enlisted), Membership (Officer), Reunion, Newsletter and Historian (but only with the consent of the member).
8. Reunions:
Reunions shall be held annually on a rotating cycle by time zones in line with “Tin Can Sailors Reunion” but not necessarily at the same location. (Amended 9/11/2002)
9. Amending By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended only at reunions and will require a 2/3 majority of those members present and voting.
Adopted Tuesday 20 June 2000 at San Diego, California.
John R. Maguire